Below are our policies for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to MADE by you.
-AGE POLICIES: The age range is specified in the description for each session. Contact us with questions regarding the age appropriateness of a class for your child.
-ADULT SUPERVISION: All children under age 5 and/or children that are not bathroom independent must be accompanied by an adult caregiver during MADE by you activities.
-PAYMENT: Payment at time of registration is required. Spots will not be held without payment.
-NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENTS: Summer camps are not refundable. For parties and special events/workshops, please see the cancellation policy specific to your booking.
-CONFIRMATION NOTICES: MADE by you will send an email confirmation of activity registration.
-REGISTRATION CANCELLATIONS: Class cancellations are specific to each session and activity type, which can vary from one session to another. Please see Cancellation Policy for the session you are registering or enrolled in for details specific to your activity dates.
-REGISTRATION CHANGES: All class changes are subject to an administration fee as listed in the session policies, which can vary one session to another.
-MISSED CLASSES: No Refunds will be issued to no shows or no notices. Please refer to the cancelation policy associated with your booking.
-LOW ENROLLMENT: MADE by you reserves the right to cancel classes due to low enrollment. You will be notified if a class is canceled and a full refund will be issued.
-DATA PRIVACY: Data Privacy: We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell your personally identifiable information to anyone. Refer to the Privacy Policy posted to the website.
Families participating fully understand the nature and extent of the risk of contracting illnesses and viruses and understand how infection and transmission can occur. Participants acknowledge that safety precautions cannot completely guarantee no risk of contracting illnesses and that MADE by you is not responsible for any accidental transmission that could occur. Participants will adhere to MADE by you’s guidelines such as but not limited to proper hygiene/sanitation measures, and keeping sick participants home. If a participant is sick and unable to attend, please notify MADE by you and we can make arrangements to have the materials and instructions for the project bagged up so the participant can complete it at home.
Attendance is not allowed if participant has:
A fever of 100â—‹F or higher in the past 24 hours
An unexplained rash
Vomiting and/or Diarrhea (Participant may attend after 24 HOURS symptom-free)
Strep Throat (Participant may attend after 24 HOURS fever-free and/or 24 Hours on antibiotic)
An infectious Illness (i.e. flu, common cold, Bronchitis, Croup, Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease, etc.)
Ear Infection (Participant may attend after 24 hours with antibiotic)
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Head Lice
Stomach bug (Participant may attend after 48 hours symptom-free)
Each case is different, so please use your absolute best judgment as to whether or not your participant is sick and should stay home.
Participants may be requested to leave if they present with symptoms of any illness, or say they are not feeling well. If a participant is sent home due to illness no credit will be given. Please see the cancellation policy for your specific booking.
-BEHAVIOR POLICY: We ask that all participants show respect to others, staff, and have respect for all MADE by you property, materials, supplies, etc. Staff will remind a participant about respecting to others and the MADE by you Studio. Following any inappropriate or unrespectful behavior the parent/guardian will be notified. If the participant continues with poor behavior, further actions may be required (example: participant may be asked not to return for the remainder of the session/camp, no refunds will be given).